Kamis, 02 April 2015

Story of Wedding, Chocolate, and Richness

This story begins from a story, and the story begins from some words called "oleh-oleh khas Kota Batu Malang" or souvenir of Batu Malang, hehehe. No, seriously, I really appreciate it. Wedding, Chocolate, and Richness are related one to the others. And I experience it.

First, wedding.
Wedding means new life. Wedding is a way to give and get more happiness to everyone we love. If we love our couple, it means we share our happiness to her/him. If we don't love our couple, because we have been "paired" or been a mate to her/him by our parents, it means we share our happiness to them. So, wedding unites everybody. Any complain? :p

Then, chocolate.
Chocolate means romantic. Agree? Just kidding. Chocolate, however, in this case, has the point. Chocolate has many advantages that we all have known. And, with the wedding, the chocolate makes the sweet relation to it. What relation? Just find out! ^_^

Next, richness.
Richness means Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, companies, and other wealth. Richness means sense of security. Richness means health, love, affection, etc. Richness means popularity, respect, and prestige. Richness means self-actualization, self-fulfillment and realizing personal gift and potential. At glance, wedding needs richness. At the first sight, to get a chocolate needs richness.

But, there is something we should realize, that someone doesn't need to be rich to marry. That someone doesn't need to be rich to get a bar of chocolate. That someone doesn't need to have a chocolate to marry. But, if someone wants to be rich and get some chocolate, he needs to marry immediately. :)

So, what do you think?

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